octubre 22, 2022

Post 3: My dream job

 I always appreciated to learn from practical experiences, besides, I find that jobs such as in a office, where you had an overly structured routine and do the same things day by day at work is quite mentally exhausting for me.  So that, a job I would love to have is one that requires to  be in constant learning and challenging me with different experiences, if it was possible, almost every single day. That's why I'm studying my major and learning about chemistry and pharmacy, in order to work in the pharmaceutical field and help people with the knowledge that I will have after finishing my degree. 

I think it's too early to know exactly in which specific sub-area of the pharmaceutical field I want to work, but I would say right now that working in the pharmaceutical industry or having my own pharmacy are the most likely areas that im interested in right now, the skills in all of the pharmacy field are almost the same, like having the theoretical knowledge, be able to work  and feedback knowledge with another profesionalss, but for these areas that i said that i was interested in, the skills that stand out apart from the other areas of the pharmacy, are being capable to lead a working group and having the responsebility of the quality of the medicine. The salary and employability of the pharmacist are very good, in fact, one of the highest paid health care professionals. 

octubre 08, 2022

Post 2: The Best Concert ever

Even though I am not a person who has attended a lot concerts, I would say the best concert I ever had, was yesterday actually. The event took place at Movistar Arena and the band that presented was Porcupine Tree. This concert was special because it was the first time I went with my father to this type of events. The barely thing that I know about them is that they are a British progressive rock band (but they play another type of subgenres) I couldn't say it's my favorite musical style, I'm not saying I dislike it but I enjoy other styles. 

The atmosphere was incredible, I think I heard the vocalist saying it was the first time they performed in Chile, therefore, the crowd at the event seemed to be excited. The performance was incredible, all the members are very talented and there were some funny moments. 

What I liked the most as I said was the incredible atmosphere and seeing my father enjoying every second, what a night!