noviembre 25, 2022

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

It is not a misterious that most of university students don't agree or are not too comfortable with some topics around their study programmes and with their own institutions, this is probably because of the ammount of stress and bad experiences that are present day to day on our path to becoming professionals.

This situation is really present on our community and if I could have the chance to change some of topics that are troubling us as students I would start with, what I think, is the worst thing about my study programme and this is that we have prerrequisites to advance with the subjects, and some of them are really weird and seem pretty unfair. And also that some of the subjects are imparted anually and this is also terrible for the students because they need to wait all a year to try again to pass the subjects if you can't do it at the first try. A solution would be to make this anual subjects to be teached every semester, also to remove the prerrequisites that seem not necessary to pass to another subjects.

Also the workload of some of the semesters are a lot, and having two or three evaluations in the same week are very common. This is also a problem for students and causes us a lot of stress and anxiety, so reducing the worload would be very great but probably also very difficult.

In general, I think that those are the worst things about my study programme, also we have some trouble with the infrastructure but it is not as bad as the workload or the prerrequisites. The teachers (in general) also do a very good job teaching their subjects.

noviembre 12, 2022

Post 4: A Time Travel to the future

Time traveling is not  a topic that I think in my everyday. But as a personal opinion, I don't like the idea of time traveling, nor the future nor the past, it's an idea that even scares me a little bit.

As the future hasn't something good to show, as in my point of view we are in a decay process as a society, seeing everyday bad actitudes and selfish people fighting for their own wellbeing, also the irrelevance that we have with out enviroment, that day to day is getting us all in trouble as we are making unsustainable conditions for all the living beings. So that, if I had the opportunity to time travel I would prefer to take the chance to see the past, not the future.

Visiting an old civilization or an unexplored and non men interveined natural place would be something exciting to do in the trip, to see a different perspective of life beyond the one that we have nowadays. As I said before, I don't really like the idea of time traveling but if I could have the experience, I wouldn't  like to do it alone. Exploring the past with some of my friends would be an incredible experience, it would be more fun and safer to make the trip in the company of some good friends.

I wouldn't like to stay in the past, I like the idea of living in the present, despite if sometimes it's not that exciting.

octubre 22, 2022

Post 3: My dream job

 I always appreciated to learn from practical experiences, besides, I find that jobs such as in a office, where you had an overly structured routine and do the same things day by day at work is quite mentally exhausting for me.  So that, a job I would love to have is one that requires to  be in constant learning and challenging me with different experiences, if it was possible, almost every single day. That's why I'm studying my major and learning about chemistry and pharmacy, in order to work in the pharmaceutical field and help people with the knowledge that I will have after finishing my degree. 

I think it's too early to know exactly in which specific sub-area of the pharmaceutical field I want to work, but I would say right now that working in the pharmaceutical industry or having my own pharmacy are the most likely areas that im interested in right now, the skills in all of the pharmacy field are almost the same, like having the theoretical knowledge, be able to work  and feedback knowledge with another profesionalss, but for these areas that i said that i was interested in, the skills that stand out apart from the other areas of the pharmacy, are being capable to lead a working group and having the responsebility of the quality of the medicine. The salary and employability of the pharmacist are very good, in fact, one of the highest paid health care professionals. 

octubre 08, 2022

Post 2: The Best Concert ever

Even though I am not a person who has attended a lot concerts, I would say the best concert I ever had, was yesterday actually. The event took place at Movistar Arena and the band that presented was Porcupine Tree. This concert was special because it was the first time I went with my father to this type of events. The barely thing that I know about them is that they are a British progressive rock band (but they play another type of subgenres) I couldn't say it's my favorite musical style, I'm not saying I dislike it but I enjoy other styles. 

The atmosphere was incredible, I think I heard the vocalist saying it was the first time they performed in Chile, therefore, the crowd at the event seemed to be excited. The performance was incredible, all the members are very talented and there were some funny moments. 

What I liked the most as I said was the incredible atmosphere and seeing my father enjoying every second, what a night!

septiembre 23, 2022

Post 1: A Country i would like to visit

Since I was a child I have been interested in geography and history, so that, an awesome destination would be Lithuania. I would like to visit this country because it haves some beautiful and picturesque locations, it has a  great history background that makes it an interesting place to visit, and because it´s a very underrated and calm destination.

This country is a Baltic country such as Latvia and Estonia, called like that because it´s located next to the Baltic Sea. It is not very populated, the capital is Vilnius, and was the first Soviet republic to proclaim its independence. 

I would like to visit the capital Vilnius, take a ride on an air balloon and see the majestic views of the city from the skies, and taste its cousine and the local beer called "Volfas Engelman" with some locals in a bar. 

Make a life there would be great, but the language barrier would make it very difficult.